Bat City Choppers
Infidel Acres Camping
"Custom Bikes Built the Old Fashion way....
With Sweat and Profanity!"
We provide quality custom fabrication in both metal and composites, while providing quality maintenance on your older as well as some newer make British and American bikes
We are Veterans and Former Military Contractors that strive to provide quality work and share a love and PASSION for the American style Chopper.
Drew and Alaska Mike met while working in Afghanistan as contractors supporting our troops in 2010. There the idea was tossed around about starting a business, not only to provide an income, but to create a place that provided support for returning Military/Vets and Contractors that find coming home frustrating at best!!
Shop rate $100.00 hr
We offer...
Primary & trans fluid change
Oil change
Spark Plug Change
General Maint on most bikes
Custom Fabrication
Tall Tails and Insults are free of charge!
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6:30pm
Saturday: PROBABLY
Sunday: NOPE